Job Ordering System
Job Ordering System using VB.Net and MS Access
Outline: Job Ordering System
There are many job ordering systems (JOS) available on the market. A JOS is a software tool that helps businesses manage their work by assigning jobs to employees. JOSs can be used to automate the ordering and scheduling of production tasks, and can also be used to manage inventory.
One popular JOS is MS Access. MS Access is a desktop database application that can be used to manage data in tables. MS Access also has a job ordering system (JOS) that can be used to automate the ordering and scheduling of production tasks. This JOS can be used to manage inventory as well.
Here we will look at Job Ording System using MS Access and Visual Studio for database support. This program contains various features which we have explained below.
The main menu of the system will first appear once you first run the program, clicking the login will show a field to input user login credentials to be able to access the standard lists which are not visible to guests.

Features of Job Ordering System using VB.Net Source Code
The basic main is displayed when logged in, making the system prepared to accept a command from the logged-in user. This action can be executed based on the task that the user gives.
– The customer form is displayed when the user clicks on “Customer” under the menu. This can enable the user to find a specific customer by inputting the customer name in the search box or the user can simply trigger the “load all” button to access the information of all registered customers. This can also be used to add and update user information.
– The job ordering process begins when the newly acquired item for repair is registered. In other to do this, the customer information which can be found on the right side of the form is required to be filled, which will then take the customer information from the form by triggering the C-List Button.
The following customer information can be filled in manually; Quantity (Qty), Serial No., Description, Remarks, Problem Action Taken, and the Technician assigned will come from the technician list. This list will be available when the “T-List” button is triggered.
After computing all the necessary data, the system includes more items by clicking the “Add this item” button. When all the items are inputted the user can include the Job Estimation by parts, Labour, pick-up, and delivery, and the total amount will be automatically generated, and by registering the items, the job order is ready to be closed by clicking the “Save and Preview” button, this will enable the job order to be generated after saving in the Job Ordering form. This aids the user to preview the customer information and the items inputted by the customer which can be printed for use. The report can also be saved in different file formats including, PDF, Word document, or Excel.
– Payment form: This will display if the Receive payment menu is clicked; this entails a process that allows the user to search the customer name, if it provides many queries, the user can pick the exact customer that would pay for the job order. After successful payment from the customer, the received payment can be inputted by the user which will be computed automatically, changes can be made after this and the information can be saved. This payment can be displayed in the right corner of the payment list window.
– The Report window enables the user to select the type of report to issue by showing the list of job estimations.
– The User Accounts Management where the Administrator can make, Delete, Or Update a client account, in making a client account the administrator fills in the Name, Username, Password, and Confirming the secret key, and select the sort of client that the administrator wants and afterward the administrator can tap the Save button.
Admin Access to Job Ordering System
Username: admin
Password: admin