Determine Even or Odd Number in VB.NET Source Code
Details: Even Or Odd Number
This tutorial focuses on how to determine even or odd numbers using VB.NET. Even Numbers can be defined as integers that can be divided by 2, the last digit can be 0,2,4,6, or 8. When a number(s) is not even, it is called an odd number that has last digits of 1,3,5,7, or 9.
This program is developed to establish if a number is even of odd.
Procedure: Even Or Odd Number
We should begin with making a Windows Form Application for this instructional exercise by following the given steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and select Windows Application.
Then, add just a single Button named Button1 and label it “Determine Odd or Even Number”. Input Textbox and name it Textbox1 for inserting the ideal number. You should plan your point of interaction like this.
You can now copy and paste the code below for your code module. The given code is for the functionality of “Button1_Click”.