BMI Calculator App
BMI Calculator App using Flutter
App Details: BMI Calculator App
Body mass index or weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared is the most commonly used method to estimate body fat percentage in humans. Body mass index is abbreviated as BMI and it is a standard measurement used to categorize individuals into healthy weight ranges.
In this post, you will learn how to create an app that calculates a person’s body mass index using the BMI scale.
The BMI calculator is developed using Flutter, and the interface designs was achieved with the Flutter widgets. It is a multi-screen application with basic functions and with full custom styling.
Library: BMI Calculator App
- Material
- FontAwesome
- Dart Math
Classes or Widgets Used
- StatefulWidget
- Scaffold
- AppBar
- Text
- TextStyle
- SafeArea
- Padding
- Column
- Row
- Colors
- Color
- Expanded
- FlatButton
- Center
- Icon
- Alert
- AlertStyle
- DialogButton
Concepts Used: BMI Calculator App
- Object Oriented Programming
- Class
- Property
- Constructor
- Method
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- List
- Conditional
What you will learn
- The most effective method to utilize Flutter themes to make consistent branding.
- Instructions to make multi-page applications utilizing Flutter Routes and Navigator.
- Method to separate and refactor Flutter Widgets with a click of a button.
- How to pass functions as parameters and fields.
- Using GestureDetector Widget to detect more than a tap.
- Use custom color palettes by utilizing hex codes.
- Customize Flutter Widgets to achieve a particular design style.
- Figure out Dart Enums and the Ternary Operator.
- Find out about composition versus inheritance and the Flutter approach to making custom UI.
- Differentiate between const and final in Dart and when to use them.